Wednesday 25 January 2012

Planning Ancillary Products: Brief overview of the Do's and Don'ts of design work

Do's of design work:

  •     Visually appealing 
  •     Eye catching 
  •     Well thought out layout 
  •     Creative/imaginative design
  •     Showing the face of your artist (Digipak cover)
  •     Elaborate use of colour  
  •     Clear text and images 
  •     Overall attractive look 

Dont's of design work:

  • Don't include too many font styles 
  • Don't use an overabundance of font sizes 
  • Include text as well as images 
  • Don't make important information difficult to find 
  • Don't make the text uneasy to read 
  • Don't make your image unclear 
  • Don't overcrowd your cover 
  • Don't include irrelevant information 
  • Don't use to much colour 

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