Wednesday 25 January 2012


Audience Reaction

When I asked for feedback from the people in the class these are some of the things they said;

  • The changing of faces sequence was excellent as it changed at every beat of the chorus.
  • The graffiti backgrounds used were very good as it linked in to the dubstep genre of the song.
  • The Artist's image also linked into the dubstep theme.
  • The use of different varies of shot types.
There are also some things they said that could be improved on such as;

  • Artist being more energetic, moving around, maybe even dance. 
  • More eye contact with the camera needed. 
  • A change in location, maybe go into a club, where its dark but there are flashing lights.
  • Better effects could be used.
Overall it was a very good effort as this was our first time producing a music video. 

After the music video was shown at the cinema, the audience started clapping and cheering. 

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