Tuesday 10 January 2012

Images for digipak and advertisement

These are a few of the images of our artist and i chose my favorite two out of them to use for my ancillary work. I will comment underneath the ones i used and give reasons why i decided that these were the best ones.

I used this image but i changed the affect and style of it to make it look more professional and fit in with the theme of my digipak album cover. I really liked this image because:
  • His pose was very casual and easy going
  • He was looking directly at the camera 
  • Audience can interact with this image 
  • The use of him sitting on a stole

I loved this photo because it looked so unusual and you never hardly see artist crouching down which added a bit of a different approach. I used this picture as the main image on my advertisement because 
  • His posture 
  • Looking directly at the camera 
  • The overall appearance of the artist

I also decided to use images from the photos we took while out filming which showed the locations with graffiti and our artist on set...(for the inside of the digipak)

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