How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?
We where very lucky to be able to work with the colleges mac computers. These gave us an opportunity to work with different forms of media and to access different technologies.

I used blogger to different aspects of my project, this site helped me short-list my ideas by reflecting back on older posts to compare and discard old ideas. When using blogger I was enabled to develop my ideas by posting different forms of planning through multimedia, posting; images, videos, presentations and loads more. By being able to post these different forms of media, i was able to present to you my understanding of media and how it can be used to present and develop ideas. Blogger was also a place for my to add my final products for you to mark. I used it for my Research, Planning and evaluation.

Just as I did in my research, google impacted my planning and my evaluation. I used Google to gain images for inspirations and to also get links to sites. Google impacted my products because it presented me with different ideas, and different ways to develop, produce and improve my work.

I also used YouTube on all areas of my project. It showed me the different types of music videos, it showed me examples of the way different shots can work together. In my evalutation I used YouTube to compare the different ways which i presented my music video in terms of Camera shots, transitions, sound effects. Learnt that many music videos edit to the beat, with research and planning using Youtube, i was able to produce a video using this edit.

Final Cut pro was a very important technology in mainly the construction of my music video and also in my planning. I used the program to edit together videos. During planning I used final cut to create an animatic (below), Final cut allowed me to create a moving sequence from still images, I added the soundtrack of the video we would be creating. Using the program allowed me to experiment with different edits and see which would work and which would are difficult. By doing this through all our planning it made it easier create a rough cut and to save time when creating our final product because we where more aware how to use the program. I learnt how to lip sync and use base tracks to create our music video.
How i used Final Cut to edit (screen recording from viola)
Above are some screenshots and a video of my work on final cut. this was all recorded by the use of a program called viola, The program allowed me to take shots of me working and of my work, I used all of this as part of my planning and also for my evaluation, just as I am showing you now.

I used a flip cam to record our animatic and also used it to show our filming processes with the worries and the struggles that we faced during the filming process.

I used Prezi in my planning and my evaluation. I created a prezi to present our pitch to our teachers. My using prezi our presentation was organised and we where able to get feeback from out teachers, which we recorded on our flipcam. This helped in the planning process because we would be able to get an understanding of what would be challenging for us.

The creation of my digipak was mainly done around photoshop. Photoshop allowed me to edit and add colour to our digipak. We where given a brief tutorial on hwo to use photoshop although I struggled I managed to use youtube to find some tutorials on ways to create different effects. Photoshop quarked and added character to my construction of ancillary products.

We where very lucky to be able to use the college's new state of the art video cameras. We used these with memory cards. Our group also used the lighting attacted to the to of the camera, we used this when we where filming at night. The light made it clearer to the camera to pick up the image when we filmed in the dark. We used the cameras to record the base tracks of our music video. The videos where transferred using a Video drive which allowed us a change to be able to edit at any mac Pc in the college.
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