Wednesday 4 January 2012

Most up design idea

My mock up design of my front and back panel of my digipak idea. There is a continuous use of the same colours throughout, black, White and purple. I will incorporate red into my final design as i think it will contrast well with the other colours. I will also add a design effect to give it more excitement and to further reflect the genre of the album. More images of the artist will be portrayed throughout the digipak as it give the audience a sense of identifying who the artist is and creates more of an appeal.


  • The background colour of the image of the artsit- it doesn't blend in with the black background
  • The font title of the artist name and the album 
  • The number of tracks at the back of the album
  • The style and layout is very boring and lacks excitement and colour
  • Artist website, names, information
  • Inside panels

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