Wednesday 26 October 2011

Update on Music video Ideas

After a discussion with a media teacher last week we came to a decision that we will be changing the narrative of out music video because it was far to complicated to work with. We received advice to make our music video 60% performance where we will show our artist more than we expected to. We are still incorporating our initial ideas of the changing faces at a rapid pace as well as the boy sitting with the girls changing continuously. This just enables us to make our narrative stronger and much more effective.We think this idea is better and easier to work with because we had too much action going on in our music video that would probably confuse the audience and ourselves for a matter of fact! We are planning to go to our original locations such as , Briklane, Mile end and Camden Skate park to do the video shoot of our artist etc...trying to capture the mood of the song aswell as enhancing the genre.

We are heading out to film for the first time on Thursday 27th October 2011.

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