Saturday 29 October 2011

Second day of filming- Saturday 29th October

We loved filming this day, we got more work done than we thought. the weather was great :) (apart from the wind). We did more base tracks, and filmed more scenery. We went back to bricklane, the atmosphere was different because it was a Saturday, so there was more people around, however this made it more natural in filming our shots since we wanted a naturalistic setting to show that it wasn't a planned thing.

Here are the shots:

All filming was done in Brick Lane.

Setting the camera up on the tripod

Recording a base track with graffiti scenery in the background

Finding another location of where we are filming

Capturing some of the graffiti in Brick Lane

Setting up the camera for a different shot

In the park in Brick Lane, waiting for the train to go by

In the park showing the scenery

Doing another base track on the park bench

Doing a base track

Filming at different angles for the base track

Setting up the camera

Moving the camera to a different angle for the base track

Moving to another location for base track

Filming the base track

Still filming the base track

Getting a closer view of the artist for the base track


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