Wednesday 12 October 2011

Planning: More Idea's and Inspiration for our music video

In addition to some of the video's we looked at by; 'Example', 'Don Diablo' and 'Professor Green', we also took a look at a track called 'Crush on you' by the well known, mainstream Dubstep artist, Nero.

Within this particular video, from 0.05 - 0.27, we see the main (male) character about to kiss numerous different girls. During these seconds, we see the slow motion editing technique which is used to emphasis how he is 'playing' each girl and shows the audience that he is promiscuous. This also relates to Laura Mulveys theory on representation since the females within this video are seen as naive and unaware rather than dominant and strong like most male characters are commonly portrayed.

The video is inspirational to us as it demonstrates what we are attempting to show within our own music video, which is that both men and women are immoral and tend to cheat on eachother.
Moreover, we liked the Medium shots/ Medium long shots of the boy with each girl and also the fast editing as the beat builds towards the drop (0.25 - 0.28) - this is a similar idea to what we would like to do in our final music video.

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