Sunday, 2 October 2011

Research for music video: Carol Vernallis

Carol Vernallis Experiencing Music Video

  • Vernallis Studied camera work and edits in music videos. She discovered that edits within a music video are more frequent than those in films. Many would stand out in dis-juncture (Where things do not meet), edits would have some close relation to the rhythm of the song .
Some of her main views; 

Continuity editing - Found in classic broadcast fiction...Broken to draw attention to what is on the screen. Edits can be very apparent drawing attention to themselves such as wipes, and special effects, jump cuts can often be used.

Lady Gaga -Paparazzi 
Lady Gaga's music video uses a number of special effects which are very noticeable in the video. These effects help emphasise meaning and also help build on the narrative structure of the music video which is a short film within itself. 
  • From 0.01 of the video we already see the 1st obvious effect which is a wipe into the video
  • Distinct cuts are used to help expose the setting of the video
  • 0.13 notice input text which adds to the conventions of an opening of any movie.
  • Typography is used to translate the words being said in another langauge 
  • 1.38 - camera effect frame to show someone is actually taking a picture   
The video uses many more effect which i have not listed but as you can see from the 1st minute of the video there is already a number of effects in action.

Jumpcuts are often used; 
Jump cuts- cut to later action from one filmed scene to 
the next, creating an effect of discontinuity or acceleration.

From the point of 0.04 seconds we jump cuts to the beat to the song to create an effective movement sequence which is not continuous in terms of the actions.

Camera moving in time with music (Motion Tracking)

This music video presents to me the best motion tracking...The camers moves in time with the music, it is effective and eteraing to watch as it feels like our human eyes following the action at a more exciting pace (this being the beat of the song).

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