Friday, 25 November 2011

Production: Skills development: Editing skills

I was very keen on editing, I have an interest in it. Finding ways to make it look good, waiting on the outcome to see what how it would be and what other people would think about it.
So getting down to the editing, these are some of the skills I learnt.
Lip syncing:
 First we layed down all the base tracks that we had and then we had to match it up to the song so that it would be in sync. To do this we found the start of the lyrics of the song and when we found that we put a marker by pushing "M" on the keyboard, then we went to one of the base tracks and had to find the exact same point of the song and pushed "M" again to add another marker, after doing this we went onto the timeline and matched the markers up so they were in line. This is how we did the lip syncing.
Changing scenes:
To do this we would cut every base track to the beat. Then we would use the razor tool and hold down "Shift" and click on where we would want to cut it, by holding down shift it would cut every base track so we wouldn't have to do it one by one. Then to get the scene you wanted to show, it would be which ever one is on top, so if we wanted the second scene we would have to delete the first base track.
Changing faces:
For this we had to get lots of different girls to stand in the same spot for 5 seconds while we record them, after we did this we imported it onto Final Cut Pro and imported the song too. In our song there is a specific point where the beat drops at 41 seconds. We wanted each beat to be a girls face, so we had to cut the clips down to size and get it to match up with the beat, we didn't record enough girls so we had to use to same girls again to make up the rest of the beat as it lasted long. 
Slow motion: 
This was pretty simple, to do this we imported a clip, then clicked on it. We went to modify at the top, then change speed, then it says rate 100%, to make it go slower we had to lower the rate, we choose 40% and vice versa to speed it up you increase the rate. 
Black and White effect:
To do this we had to import a clip, click on it then go to effects, then video filters, image control and then desaturate. 

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