Saturday 5 November 2011

Planning;Deadline- 25th November 2011

Deadline Fast Approaching!


As the deadline is fast approaching my group and I are working hard to be as efficient with the time left. Friday 4th November. I went into college on my day off to work on more filming and to get a start on editing. We asked multiple girls in college to take part in this filming. We needed a lot of girls because we wanted to film a rapid change in faces as shown in Example's video -'Kick start' 0.39-0.42...

We have not got all of our footage yet, but we felt it would be more efficient if we did some editing....
The edit of the faces went well and we produced a great chorus...
On Monday we hope to do some more filming and editing with our main artists. We would like to complete more base tracks in different clothing.

I am very excited to see the outcome of our final project as we went through some difficultly during planning. As a group we had too many idea that we where not able to convey in one music video without confusing our audience. We have now come to a decision about our final project which my group and teachers are very excited to see as a final outcome.

I feel if we keep working at this rate we would be able to complete out video on time!
I just thought I would let blogger know how we are getting on :)

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