Wednesday 23 November 2011

Loook what I found!!! :D

I was having a down day, so I decided to listen to some slow jams...And I came across an example of a edit that inspired our own. It took me a while to find one before and I gave up, But to day....As if by luck I came across these....

The idea of having an effect of having some shots filmed as if it was a boyfriend filming a day out with his girlfriend. To do this effectively we asked Joe to do the filming (being the character of the boyfriend) And for me to act shy and loved towards the camera and be relaxed and treat it like a normal day out. The shots in out video symbolise a past relationship and the rest of the music video representing a present mind state of our main singer... The type of videos he might look back on when he misses his girlfriend....This is the same message that is shown in The video above....

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