Friday 11 November 2011

Filming session 3

Today was our 3rd day of filming and it went awesome! Myself (Demi), Kudiwa & Joe decided to meet up at college for 1pm. (Sadly Ismail couldn't make it due to an emergence) But we continued to go ahead with what we planned for the day. So we briefly stayed in college for about 35mins as Myself & Kudiwa showed Joe what we edited so far since he had missed the previous lesson. We then got all the equipment we needed and made our journey down to Bricklane from Angel. We arrived at about 2:30pm and had a great filming session. (Videos will be posted about experiences of the day) We finished filming everything at about 6:30pm so spent a good 4hours give or take filming and making sure we had lots of different shots. Personally i think the day went really well and it was very productive, the weather wasn't too bad well at least it didn't rain!

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