Friday 4 November 2011

Friday 4th November 2011

Today we decided to make most of the e=media equipment available so we planned to meet up and do a few shots of the faces we needed of girls for our music video. 
We were located in the College hall at lunch time so we were able to ask lots of different girls to be apart of our footage. We were able to get about 20 girls to agree to have a still shot of them taken against plain white wall for about five seconds. We asked girls of all races in order to portray our idea of girls from different backgrounds. 

When we went up to ask girls if they were interested we came up with how to address them 'Hello, my names ______ and i'm a A2 media student currently filming a music video for our coursework. We are looking for girls to stand in front of the camera with a still pose and blank expression for five seconds, would yo be interested in helping us out? using this approach was friendly and enabled us to make the girls feel welcomed and want to be involved in our music video. The girls we asked were willing to help us out and we were truly grateful since we understand it is kind of nerve racking to be in front of the camera.

We didn't need to use alot of space in the hall because we didn't require a large amount of people to be in one shot. This enabled us to set up the Tripod and the camera without getting in people's way.

About to set up the camera and Tripod

Kudiwa about to ask girls if they wanted to be apart of our music video

Setting up the tripod

Filming one of the girls 

Our location of the college hall


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