Wednesday 23 November 2011

Images from our ending of the music video.

A flashback scene of him remembering a time walking holding hands with his 'girlfriend' it slowly fades into the shot below.

A really beautiful quote was written on the ground in Bricklane and we found this really cool so we decided that the artist and his 'girlfirend' in the music video could form a shadow behind the words. It is quite creative and relates to the theme of our song and the rest of the music video.

This is the LAST shot of our music video. A mid close up of the artist giving a dead expression. The background is awesome and the colours are very bright and creative. This adds a bit of a contrast to both the song and the artists as he looks rather sad and lonely. Finishing the video off with the actual artist is a good idea so that the viewers are constantly reminded of the artist and what he looks like. It also draws a conclusion to the performance in the music video, that he is 'unhappy' about his mistakes.

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