Wednesday 28 September 2011

(Research) Skream&Example - Shot yourself in the foot


After speaking to our teachers we discovered that not many students produce dubstep videos throughtout the years. As a group we feel that Dubstep is current and slowly becoming popular with young generation. 

Ideas we have if producing this video;

  • Edits; Fast edits of cutting between a cross of different people - we discussed maybe having closeups of different parts of their body 
  • Lots of shots ( mainly cuts) - This will come in mainly on the choruses.
  • Mise en scene: Cigarettes, alcohol, make up, bedrooms, parks, bus.
  • Representation - Women as aggressive, unconventional, loud, outgoing. Men as polite, generous, understanding
So Far this is our final idea....
We have agreed a lot of hard work and time will be taken to produce this video because we need a lot of shots! 


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