Friday 30 September 2011

Research for Music Video: Skills Audit

Thinking back to the research that i conducted for my AS practical work i believe that it helped  me develop my research skills in a number of ways. I am able to use many different programs in order to make me planning and research easier to present for example Wordle and Prezi are very creative sites that allow my work to look much more presentable and fun. I'm a confident user of Final cut pro (Transitions, export, import), Soundtrack pro(creating base tracks, sounds), Livetype( Fonts, adding effects, colours, lettering), Hand break (converting videos into MP4 format, Quicktime and still learning how to become an effective user of Photoshop. Another skill i was able to illustrate was my organisational and presentational skills through blogging and class work. Another important skill that i learnt was using the JVC cameras and also working in a group and sustaining a good bond between one another because you have to work together in order to produce an amazing practical project. 

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