Sunday 25 September 2011

(Research) Reflecting back on the AS year ; Skills Developed

During the AS year I gained different technical skills, the skills I have gained I have also taken on to A2 and I feel more at confident when completing tasks for my coursework. I feel very confident going into A2 because I feel like I know what appeals to different audiences in terms of edits and effects. I have also learnt the different forms and conventions of a thriller of a certain genre.

  1. Using Final cut pro:  In AS we mainly used Final cut pro to edit our practical videos as we worked our way up to out final thriller;
  •  importing non diegetic sounds into a clip
  • Cutting/ Timing a clip 
  • Inputting effect which work well with the image and give the correct connotation to the audience 
  • Importing titles 
  • Different ways to tell a story by moving round the shots in final cut pro 
  • Muting deigetic sounds 
2. Using a Camera and camera equipment effectively: The key elements to our coursework, these two pieces where the most essential because they filmed our practicals and thrillers. after learning how to use them it was helpful when we went filming, we didn't have to waste time trying to figure out how to use the camera ;
  • Inserting and changing batteries
  • Fixing focus on the camera
  • Using the camera speaker 
  • Changing memory cards 
I am excited to take these skills with me onto A2 and produce some fantastic work.

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