Wednesday 14 December 2011

Mock-up digipak

This is a mock-up digipak that I have made to get a sense of how I would do it when doing the real thing. 
I think that I did a pretty good job on making it, as photoshop can be frustrating to use at times. 
I included the basic things which make it a digipak such as;

  • Artist's name.
  • Album name.
  • Spine, including; artist's name, album name, production company, album number.
  • Tracklist.
  • Copyright information.
  • Website for artist and record company.
  • Where to buy the album from.
  • Barcode.
Things I think that I did good: 
  • The fonts chosen go well with the genre, being dubstep, I chose the fonts to be like graffiti. 
  • Adding the images into it. 
  • Sticked to a specific colour scheme.
  • Used a fixed number of fonts.
Things I could have improved on:
  • Have a better background.
  • Include more images.
  • Use the space more efficiently.
  • Make the image of him on the front cover bigger.

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