Wednesday 7 December 2011

Exploration of past digipaks

Analysis of Student digipaks

A lot about this Digipak works, but i also think a lot  about it does work...

Consistant colour scheme
Strong main image
Nice feminine imagery; cupcakes,lollypops, flowers and butterflys
Nice use of feminine fonts
The way the image in within the butterfly

Things they could improve:
Use of less fonts, the student uses too many different fonts which breaks the overall image of the digipack
The overlay makes the digipak look too busy
Maybe not slant the text
Most of the thinks on the digipak started to look random
The colours used on certain parts of text are too similar to the background making it hard to read the text.

Overall i think this digipack has a very strong point about it. But it also has its downfalls. In all the images and graphics all link together.


Things they could improve :

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