Wednesday 14 December 2011

Feed back from pitch...

Feedback from pitch of digipak dummy...

Above is the full image of the digipak i pitched to my teacher... He generally like the pitch and my ideas for picking the different elements of the digipak... He mentioned that i used too much colour in the spine of the digipak...
I created my product from the research that i have done on other digipaks from the dubstep genre. 

My teacher really like this image and said was a very strong graphic. the only problem with this is that it is an image from the internet so i am going to work with photoshop to create my own dubstep graphic :)

My teacher felt that the font used was tooo general and didnt connote the dubstep genre... I need to look for fonts that link with the graphic and my genre. 

The image was good image for the audience to be able to establish who the artist is

The typography above was said to connote the 60s... and i need to change the title to maybe something like 'lost for words' instead of 'lost with words' 

I need to think about developing the typography of the text... the text does not connote that the cd is of a dubstep genre

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