Thursday 8 December 2011

Importance and function of digipaks

  Digipaks act as an advertisement for the artist as well as attracting audiences and promoting the genre of music
Digipaks advertise the artist by showing what the artist looks like or what the style and music of the artist is like. Different aspects of the artist is shown and information of tour dates and gigs  websites, record labels etc can be found on the advertisement. Digipaks also protay aspects of the artists personality and allow them to be much more creative than  just designing an album. Digipaks can include thank you notes, posters, free giveaways and are much more detailed..

Research-Digipacks were first created by MeadWestvaco, and their product, called Digi-Pak, is trademarked. However, as the format became more popular and began to be used by more manufacturers, the generic "digipack" came to be used to describe all soft CD packaging.

An example:

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