Tuesday 13 December 2011

Colours & Fonts for Ancillary products-IDEAS!

The colours my group intend to use on our digipaks and advertisements. These also match the outfits of our artist in our music video.

I done some brief research on how i wanted the font on my digipak to look. I was going for the theme of it looking 'groovy and old school' having an element of graffiti aspect added to it to show continuous relation from my music video. These are a few fonts that i particularly liked and so my ideas can develop further.

I wasn't able to pitch my ideas to my teachers but while working on my ancillary products i have discussed ideas and changes with them so they could give me feedback on weather or not it looked good or was appropriate for my products. This helped my plan further and try and make my digipak and advert look as good as possible.

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